Anyone who frequently runs off the beaten track or even regularly jogs through the high mountains needs special running shoes. Trail shoes offer the ideal combination of comfort and stability so that you can get the best out of yourself when trail running. Designed for running over hill and dale, these running shoes are robust and give you the support you need to protect yourself from injury. Many trail shoes are also water-repellent to a certain extent, so that your feet stay dry and warm even in cold and wet conditions.
Depending on how demanding the trails you run on are, your trail running shoes need to fulfil various requirements. A key selection criterion is weight. The general rule for trail shoes is: the lighter, the better. After all, who wants to run around with unnecessarily heavy blocks on their feet when you can also be fast - but still safe - on the trail? Everything else depends on your fitness, running style, physical requirements and, of course, your personal preferences.
When it comes to the sole, trail running shoes come with a wide variety of profiles to ensure that there is the right pair for every taste and requirement. Thanks to the individual sole characteristics of the different models, there is the right running shoe for every surface. Different sole technologies such as tread lugs or sipes ensure perfect traction and a firm grip on different terrains. Whether on sand or earth, mud or scree, uphill or downhill: the sole of your trail shoe gives you the right grip - in both dry and wet conditions.
All other aspects that play a role when buying trail shoes depend on your personal requirements. Do you prefer a model with a thin sole so that you can feel the ground well and have a more direct running feel? Or do you prioritise high comfort and good cushioning? No matter which characteristics you prefer, the right pair of running shoes for trail running is already waiting for you.
Trail running shoes with a water-repellent surface are recommended for anyone who likes to go out in wet weather. A windproof and waterproof membrane keeps your feet nice and dry. The upper material of trail shoes is usually made of textile and mesh or Clima-Protect membranes so that air can circulate well and a pleasant foot climate prevails in the shoe. In addition, the functional materials reliably and quickly wick sweat away from the foot so that you can always rely on a dry feeling.
To meet the demands of the terrain, trail shoes need to be stable. That's why the upper of many models is reinforced, so that you are well protected from twisting your ankle even on scree and uneven ground. Special sole constructions improve the rolling behaviour and increase the cushioning and flexibility of trail running shoes. Another advantage is a robust, hard-wearing upper material. If you graze branches and twigs or run over sharp stones, the material has to be able to withstand a lot.
The outsole of trail running shoes should be so robust and hard-wearing that sharp edges have no chance of penetrating the sole. A certain degree of stiffness and cushioning are also very important for stability and comfort off the beaten track. However, their degree depends on your preferences. Some runners prefer a natural running feel with intensive ground contact and a flexible sole.
Others attach more importance to protecting their ligaments and joints and therefore favour pronounced cushioning and a soft footbed. The most important thing is that you feel completely comfortable in your trail running shoes, especially on longer distances. In addition to the functional properties, this naturally also includes an appealing look. And in this respect too, the trail shoes from the various manufacturers know how to impress in a variety of ways, so there is a model to suit every taste.
Trail running shoes are often equipped with a quick lacing system where the ends of the laces can be stored in a small pocket at the top of the tongue. This way, you can't get the laces caught anywhere.
If you enjoy running on unpaved trails or are curious about trail running, Running-Point is the ideal address for you. We have a large selection of trail shoes for men and women from leading trail shoe brands such as ASICS, adidas, Nike, The North Face and many more.
Do you need stability shoes or is your running style largely natural? With our shoe filter, you can quickly find the right pair of trail shoes for you. Simply select the category neutral shoes or stability shoes and you will immediately be shown the right results.
And now we wish you lots of fun browsing - and on your next trail run!
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